Save Costs by Running Only Tests That Matter


AI-powered Test Intelligence

Why run all tests all the time?

Use AI-powered Test Intelligence to run only Unit Tests related to your code change, slashing test cycle time by up to 80%. Welcome to smarter testing.


Cut testing costs

Cut Build Cost

By skipping irrelevant tests, builds are faster, streamlining development and reducing cloud and infrastructure expenses. Allocate your testing budget effectively.

Cut Troubleshooting Cost

Prioritizing relevant tests reduces unrelated test failures, preventing developers from being derailed by irrelevant issues and boosting productivity.

Cut Context-switch Cost

With less time spent waiting for tests, developers can maintain their focus on coding tasks, increasing productivity.


Ship faster without compromising quality

Cut Tests Cycle Time

  • Run only tests that matter with Contextual test selection.
  • Optimize with parallel testing

Faster issues resolution

  • Avoid irrelevant test failures. Trim tests to hit fewer snags and focus on what truly matters.
  • View test results for faster discovery of failures and triaging issues.
  • Use AI-based remediation suggestions to accelerates issue resolution.

Understand selected tests

Get full visibility into which tests were selected and why, to identify negative trends and gain insights to improve test quality and coverage.


Test suite insights

Use our dashboard to turn testing metrics into actionable insights. Refine your test cycle for top performance.

Understand code quality with Test Insights

  • Failure Rate Analysis: Target tests with frequent failures for proactive troubleshooting and resolution.
  • Test Duration Insights: Spot and assess your lengthiest tests, streamlining them for faster execution and better resource management.
  • Historical Trends: Monitor test performance and reliability across different timeframes, unveiling patterns and spotlighting areas for improvement.

Flexible Dashboards

Personalize and craft dashboards that cater to your unique requirements.

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Harness Builds

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Learn how to connect SEI with your existing tech stack and get insights. How to remove bottlenecks and improve planning and sprint hygiene

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Continuous Integration