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August 30, 2023
min read

Harness joins OpenTF Initiative


Harness joins OpenTF Initiative

We are thrilled to announce that Harness is joining the OpenTF Initiative.

Since 2014, Terraform has been one of the most popular open source projects, having a large community built around it. With a huge ecosystem of providers, plugins, extensions, and supplemental libraries, Terraform became a critical component for countless number of companies. 

In order to support the community moving forward, Harness is excited to support OpenTF - a true open-source project that forked out of the last version of Terraform based on the MPL license, with the aim of being included in Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), to ensure neutral governance and build a vibrant community.

To do that, Harness has committed to provide five of our engineers to work on the OpenTF project and we will be also joining the OpenTF Technical Steering Committee. By doing so, we intend to be very active in the community and collaborate with the other members to benefit from a true open source solution that is being actively maintained and improved. 

If you are also passionate about this project, we would like to invite you to support the project by creating a pull request on the OpenTF manifesto GitHub repository.

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