Cloud Cost Management

Empower FinOps with Intelligent Cloud Cost Management.

Introducing 3 New Features

Cloud Asset Governance

Automate compliance and resource optimization

Commitment Orchestrator

Maximize AWS EC2 commitment savings

Cluster Orchestrator

Intelligent EKS node autoscaling and Spot management

Our Customers

Control cloud costs with Intelligent Automation

Granular Cost Reporting

Simplify cost attribution and allocation with granular visibility into cloud costs.

AI-Driven Optimization

Automatically detect and shut down idle resources, saving up to 70% on cloud costs.

Cloud Asset Governance

Enforce governance policies and automate remediation with AI-powered Governance-as-Code.

Multi-Cloud Cost Management

Manage costs across AWS, Azure, GCP, and Kubernetes clusters from a single platform.

Attribute and Manage Cloud Costs with Precision

Simplify hierarchical cost attribution for chargeback and showback purposes.

Visualize complex multi-cloud and Kubernetes cluster costs with Cost Perspectives, organized by teams, workloads, and applications.

Capture all costs for a team, application, or workload into well-defined Cost Categories for accurate and detailed cost allocation.

Detect and alert on abnormal cost spikes with intelligent cloud cost Anomaly Detection, stopping bill shock in its tracks.

Optimize Cloud Costs with Intelligent Automation

Save up to 70% on non-production costs with Cloud AutoStopping, automatically detecting, shutting down, and auto-starting idle resources.

Get relevant and actionable Recommendations for optimizing AWS, Azure, GCP, and Kubernetes resources, including VMs, ECS, EBS, and RDS.

Automate long-term commitment management with Commitment Orchestrator, ensuring optimized compute coverage and contract renewals.

Govern Cloud Assets with Governance-as-Code

Enforce real-time governance policies and auto-remediation with Cloud Asset Governance using Governance-as-Code.

Generate YAML policies using AI-powered Harness AIDA for effective cost, security, and compliance management across cloud assets.

Set and track daily, monthly, quarterly, and annual Hierarchical Budgets with real-time forecasting and alerts.


Trusted by DevOps and Developers

Hundreds of DevOps and engineering teams are powered by Harness to become elite performers in velocity, quality, efficiency, and governance.

“All developers in Synopsys have access to recommendations within Harness CCM. We recommend that developers use this information when deploying new microservices to the cloud. This is what makes this cloud cost management tool a game changer for us as we balance the speed of innovation with its cost.”

Jim D’Agostino, Senior DevOps Engineer
Executive Director of Product and Software Architecture


Calculate how much you can potentially save on your cloud costs

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Cloud Cost Management