Executive Event

Software Delivery Champions

September 18, 2024
6:00 PM until 9:00 PM
STK NYC Downtown, 26 Little West 12th St., NY 10014

Harness is excited to announce Software Delivery Champions, a new series of private networking events for technology leaders that focuses on how leading organizations are pioneering their approach to the Software Development Lifecycle.

Join us at STK (Downtown) on Wednesday, September 18th, to hear from financial services leaders and how they’ve reduced developer toil and improved software delivery performance by adopting a modern DevOps approach.

This event will also include an exclusive private dining experience for all attendees. Please note that this event is aimed at senior software engineering professionals.


Jyoti Bansal
Chief Executive Officer, Harness

Carlos Delatorre
Chief Revenue Officer, Harness

Nick Durkin
Chief Technology Officer, Harness

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