Cloud costs
September 30, 2022
min read

Announcing Support for PHP in Harness Feature Flags


We’re excited to announce that Harness Feature Flags now supports the open source PHP SDK. As one of the most robust and long-standing languages for web development, PHP is known for its simplicity, speed, and flexibility — features that have made it a cornerstone in the web development world. If you’re developing one of the 77% of websites with server-side programming (including Facebook, Wordpress, Wikipedia, and Zoom), you can now use Harness Feature Flags for your feature management needs.

Get Started With PHP For Feature Flags

Harness Feature Flag users can expect the same feature support and performance that they’re used to from other open source Harness Feature Flag SDKs. If you’re already familiar with any of the other SDKs supported, the same patterns and use cases apply. And if not, then the docs will guide you through it.

To start using PHP for your own feature flags, check out the PHP SDK Reference. This guide will walk you through how to get a hold of the SDK, how to initialize, and how to create your first feature flag.

Getting Your First Feature Flag Into Production

Using the PHP SDK in your code is only half the equation. While it’s critical to ensure the SDK is working as expected, wrapping your features or changes in a flag inside your codebase is the first of two steps you need to take to have a fully functional feature flag.

Step two: if you haven’t already, you’ll want to head over to your Harness project and create a flag in the Harness app. Once both pieces are done, you’ll be ready to roll out your feature flag. If you need additional help, you can either follow the in-app wizard, or you can check out the Getting Started documentation.

Ready to get started? Start your free trial today!

Happy flagging!

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Feature Flags