September 29, 2021

Hack, Extend, Fly! Drone's First Hacktoberfest!

Table of Contents

At Harness, we strongly believe in open-source and the value it can bring to any organization. Harness committed to open-source in 2020 by acquiring Continuous Integration pioneer Drone. 

Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open-source that was founded in 2014 and encourages participation as well as brings awareness to the open-source community. In 2020, there were 169,886 participants, and 116,361 participating repositories from 135 countries - which is an amazing feat!

For the event, anyone who meets the Hacktoberfest core requirements, defined as a minimum of four valid PRs submitted to an open-source project, will receive event swag, including a Hacktoberfest t-shirt (or a tree planted) and stickers from our supporting sponsors.


This year is our first "Plugtoberfest," which will coincide with Hacktoberfest. Plugtoberfest will be a month-long challenge focused on creating Drone/CIE plugins. 

Plugins are Docker containers that perform predefined tasks and are configured as steps in your pipeline. Plugins can be used to deploy code, publish artifacts, send notifications, and more.

To see a list of all current plugins, please click here: Drone Plugin Registry.

How to Get Involved

Get started with Plugtoberfest by submitting your plugin to the Drone Plugin Registry, a listing of open-source plugins created by the Drone community. Then, submit your PR through this convenient form, browse the #hacktoberfest tags on our repos, or ask in the community slack.

Make sure you join the Plugtoberfest discussion on our community slack. Don't forget to use #plugtoberfest and #hacktoberfest on Twitter! 

Happy hacking!


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