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May 3, 2023
min read

What are Software Application Monitoring Best Practices?


Software application monitoring has become a critical part of ensuring the smooth operation of technology systems. By identifying and addressing potential issues, businesses can optimize performance, minimize downtime, protect valuable information, and deliver a consistent customer experience. In this blog, we look at best practices for effectively managing and monitoring software applications. 

Utilizing Proactive Monitoring Strategies

Proactive monitoring is a crucial aspect of managing applications and ensuring that they function optimally. By consistently checking applications for potential problems before they escalate into more serious issues, businesses can minimize downtime and ensure that users have a seamless experience.

Here are some common strategies for proactive application monitoring:

Event correlation. One key component of proactive monitoring is event correlation. This technique involves analyzing patterns and relationships between different events to identify the root causes of issues. By doing so, businesses can quickly isolate and fix problems, preventing them from causing further damage.

Synthetic monitoring. This technique for proactive monitoring involves simulating user interactions with applications to test performance. This helps identify potential issues before they impact users and provides the opportunity for proactive corrective action.

Real user monitoring. This technique involves collecting data directly from end-users for real-time insights. It, therefore, provides a comprehensive understanding of how applications are performing and identifies any issues that may be impacting users.

Combining these techniques creates a comprehensive view of application performance and ensures that users have a seamless experience. Proactive monitoring enables businesses to detect and resolve issues swiftly, minimizing their impact on users and the business. Additionally, this approach can help identify trends, assess the overall health of the environment, and support data-driven decisions for future improvements.

Proactive monitoring is a critical aspect of managing applications and ensuring that they function optimally. By utilizing event correlation, synthetic monitoring, and real user monitoring, businesses can create a comprehensive view of application performance and ensure that users have a seamless experience.

Benefits of Software Application Monitoring

A well-implemented software application monitoring strategy can provide numerous advantages for businesses, including improved performance, cost savings, and better customer satisfaction. Application monitoring allows organizations to gain insights into the behavior of their applications under various conditions, identify bottlenecks, and optimize resource usage for peak performance. By detecting and resolving issues before they impact users, it’s possible to prevent revenue losses and maintain a positive brand reputation.

However, there are many other benefits to software application monitoring that are often overlooked, including the ability to: 

Identify trends. For example, monitoring can help businesses identify trends in user behavior, allowing them to adjust their applications to better meet the needs of their customers. By analyzing user data, businesses can gain insights into how their applications are being used, which features are most popular, and which areas of the application may need improvement.

Pinpoint security threats. In addition, monitoring can help businesses identify security threats and vulnerabilities. By monitoring application logs and traffic, businesses can detect suspicious activity and potential attacks before they cause damage. This can help prevent data breaches and other security incidents, which can be costly in terms of both financial losses and damage to reputation.

Track application performance. Another benefit of monitoring is the ability to track application performance over time. By collecting data on application performance, businesses can identify trends and patterns that may indicate issues with the application or infrastructure. This can help businesses proactively address issues before they become major problems, ensuring the smooth operation of their business processes.

Monitor resource usage. Finally, software application monitoring can help businesses optimize their technology investments by providing insights into resource usage and capacity planning. By analyzing data on resource usage, businesses can identify areas where they may be over or under-provisioned, allowing them to adjust their infrastructure to better meet their needs. This can help businesses save money on unnecessary hardware and software purchases while ensuring that they have the resources they need to support their applications.

Overall, software application monitoring is a critical component of any modern business strategy. By providing insights into application behavior, user trends, security threats, and resource usage, monitoring can help businesses optimize their technology investments, improve performance, reduce downtime, and maintain a positive brand reputation.

Identifying the Different Types of Software Application Monitoring

Software application monitoring is a critical component of application management. It helps identify and resolve issues that could cause downtime, performance degradation, or security breaches. There are various types of software application monitoring, each serving a different purpose in managing your applications' performance.

  1. Availability monitoring - This type of monitoring ensures that applications are accessible and operational for users. It checks to make sure that applications are running and responding to user requests. Availability monitoring helps identify and resolve issues before they affect users.
  2. Performance monitoring - Performance monitoring measures the response time and throughput of applications to maintain optimal performance levels. It helps identify performance bottlenecks, such as slow database queries, network latency, or CPU spikes. With performance monitoring, businesses can optimize applications' performance and ensure a seamless user experience.
  3. Error monitoring - Error monitoring detects and alerts on application errors, helping to identify and fix issues promptly. Error monitoring tracks errors, exceptions, and crashes in applications' code and provides detailed diagnostic information, such as stack traces, error messages, and affected users. Error monitoring helps improve applications' reliability and availability.
  4. Resource monitoring - Resource monitoring tracks resource usage, such as CPU, memory, and disk space, to ensure that applications have the necessary resources to run effectively. It helps identify resource-intensive processes, memory leaks, or disk space shortages that could affect applications' performance. With resource monitoring, businesses can optimize applications' resource utilization and avoid resource exhaustion.
  5. Security monitoring - Security monitoring detects and alerts users to security vulnerabilities, enabling businesses to protect sensitive data and maintain compliance with industry regulations. It helps identify security threats, such as malware, phishing, or unauthorized access attempts and provides recommendations for remediation. Security monitoring helps ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of applications and data.

By understanding the different types of software application monitoring, it’s easier to choose the appropriate tools and techniques to achieve performance goals and keep applications running smoothly. Using a combination of monitoring types provides a comprehensive view of applications' health and performance. For example, availability monitoring ensures that applications are up and running, performance monitoring helps optimize their response time and throughput, error monitoring can detect and fix issues, resource monitoring optimizes resource utilization, and security monitoring protects from security threats.

Moreover, businesses can use various monitoring tools and techniques to implement software application monitoring. For example, one approach is agent-based monitoring, which involves installing monitoring agents on \applications' servers or endpoints to collect data and send it to a central monitoring console. Agentless monitoring is another option and involves monitoring applications' performance and availability from outside their servers, using protocols such as HTTP, SNMP, or ICMP. Another option is synthetic monitoring, which involves simulating user transactions and measuring their response time and reliability or log monitoring, which involves analyzing application log files for errors, exceptions, or security events.

Software application monitoring is crucial for ensuring the availability, performance, and security of your applications. By choosing the appropriate types of monitoring and tools, you can proactively identify and resolve issues and optimize your applications' performance and reliability.

Establishing Clear Performance Goals

Setting clear performance goals is an essential part of creating an effective monitoring strategy for software applications. Goals should be based on quantifiable metrics and indicators that are relevant to specific business operations, such as response time, error rate, and resource utilization.

However, simply setting goals is not enough. It is important to establish a plan for achieving those goals. This plan should include regular monitoring and analysis of performance data, as well as a strategy for addressing any issues that arise.

One effective way to establish performance goals is to use the SMART framework. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework can  ensure that goals are well-defined and achievable within a specific timeframe.

When establishing performance goals, it is also important to consider the impact that the application has on end-users. By understanding end-user expectations, businesses can set goals that are aligned with their needs and ensure that the application is meeting their requirements.

Industry standards can also be a useful guide when setting performance goals. By comparing an application's performance to industry benchmarks, it’s possible to identify areas for improvement and set goals that align with best practices.

Finally, it is important to consider your organization's capacity to respond to issues. By setting realistic goals that take into account team resources and capabilities, it’s possible to ensure that monitoring efforts are focused on areas that will make the most impact.

Establishing clear goals helps prioritize monitoring efforts and ensures that teams are focused on the most critical components of the application environment. By regularly monitoring performance data and addressing any issues that arise, businesses can ensure that applications are performing at their best and meeting the needs of end-users.

Setting Up Automated Alerts and Notifications

Automated alerts and notifications are a crucial component of software application monitoring. They provide real-time information about the health and performance of applications so that teams can rapidly respond to emerging issues. Set up alerts to notify teams when application performance deviates from established thresholds or when critical errors occur. Additionally, implement escalation policies to ensure that issues are addressed promptly by the appropriate personnel.

One important consideration when setting up automated alerts is to define the right thresholds for triggering alerts. These thresholds should be based on the specific needs of the application and business, taking into account factors such as user traffic, response times, and error rates. It's also important to periodically review and adjust these thresholds as the application evolves over time.

Another key factor to consider is the frequency and format of alerts. While it's important to ensure that teams are notified promptly of any issues, it's equally important to avoid alert fatigue. This can be achieved by setting up alerts to only trigger for critical issues or by grouping related alerts into a single notification. Additionally, consider providing contextual information in the alert message, such as the root cause of the issue or recommended next steps for troubleshooting.

When configuring automated alerts, one option is to integrate them with communication channels and collaboration tools. This allows teams to receive notifications directly on their preferred platforms, facilitating faster response times and efficient troubleshooting. It’s important to avoid creating alert fatigue by striking the right balance between sensitivity and the number of triggers, ensuring that teams stay engaged without becoming overwhelmed.

Finally, it's important to regularly review and refine the automated alerting strategy. This includes analyzing the effectiveness of alerts in detecting and resolving issues, as well as soliciting feedback from teams to identify areas for improvement. By continuously optimizing the alerting process, businesses can ensure that applications are running smoothly and teams are well-equipped to respond to any challenges that arise.

Evaluating the Security and Compliance Requirements

The security and compliance of software applications should be top priorities in any monitoring strategy. Assess the unique security requirements for your organization, and ensure that selected monitoring tools adhere to these standards. This may include implementing encryption, securing communication channels, and protecting login credentials from unauthorized access. Regularly review and update monitoring processes to safeguard against evolving threats and maintain compliance with industry regulations.

Compliance requirements. In some industries, organizations are subject to specific compliance requirements and must demonstrate adherence through regular audits. To maintain compliance, ensure that monitoring processes are well-documented and that teams can provide evidence of security and performance management practices upon request.

Data protection. Data breaches can result in significant financial losses, legal liabilities, and damage to an organization's reputation. To prevent data breaches, it is essential to implement effective security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access controls. Additionally, it is crucial to regularly test security systems to identify vulnerabilities and address them promptly.

Regulatory requirements. Depending on your industry, you may be subject to regulations such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, or GDPR. These regulations require organizations to implement specific security and privacy measures to protect sensitive data. To ensure compliance, it is essential to understand the requirements of each regulation and implement appropriate controls.

Furthermore, it is important to monitor systems for suspicious activity and potential security threats. This can include monitoring network traffic, system logs, and user activity. Analyzing this data can help identify potential security incidents and enable teams to take appropriate action to prevent or mitigate the impact of a security breach.

Evaluating security and compliance requirements is critical to ensure the safety and protection of an organization's sensitive data. By implementing effective security measures and adhering to regulatory requirements, it’s possible to safeguard against evolving threats and maintain compliance with industry standards.

Leveraging Cloud-Based Solutions and Platforms

Cloud-based application monitoring solutions offer a range of benefits compared to traditional, on-premises, monitoring tools. Cloud platforms provide scalability, flexibility, and cost savings, enabling organizations to monitor applications more efficiently and effectively. Additionally, cloud-based services typically offer real-time visibility into application performance, advanced analytics capabilities, and seamless integration with other cloud-based tools.

When selecting a cloud-based monitoring platform, consider your organization's size, budget, and infrastructure requirements. Evaluate multiple providers and choose a solution that best aligns with business goals and objectives. The right cloud-based monitoring platform can significantly enhance your ability to proactively manage your software applications.

Assessing the Impact of Application Performance on Business Operations

Understanding the impact of application performance on your business operations is an important aspect of software application monitoring. Analyze the relationship between key performance indicators (KPIs) and business outcomes to identify areas where improvements in application performance can have a significant positive impact on your organization's success.

Consider organizing periodic reviews to evaluate your monitoring strategy's effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Encourage feedback from your team members and stakeholders to ensure that your approach remains relevant and efficient. Aligning monitoring efforts with business objectives fosters a culture of continual improvement, ultimately resulting in better software application performance and a more successful organization.

Creating an Effective Monitoring Strategy for Your Organization with Harness

Effective software application monitoring involves leveraging proactive strategies, understanding the benefits, employing various monitoring types, setting performance goals, automating alerts, securing applications, utilizing cloud-based platforms, and continually assessing the impact on your business. Implementing these best practices can help every organization improve the performance and reliability of applications while ensuring a positive experience for end-users.

Developing an effective monitoring strategy takes time and effort, but the benefits can be substantial for your organization's long-term success. Utilize the best practices discussed in this blog to create a comprehensive and efficient monitoring strategy that supports your technology investments and drives your business forward.

At Harness, our end-to-end software delivery platform provides a simple, safe, and secure way for engineering and DevOps teams to release applications into production. Harness achieves this with industry-first technologies like Test Intelligence™, Policy as Code, continuous verification, and automated rollbacks. Harness Service Reliability Management (SRM) provides an automated framework for balancing new feature delivery velocity with application reliability. SRM helps development teams determine when to go faster or slow down the rate of software deployments based on key reliability metrics. SRM automatically tracks these metrics as they change and provides pipeline governance in the form of reliability guardrails so no manual intervention is required. Interested in learning more? Contact us for a free demo. 

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