February 8, 2024

Industry News: Weaveworks closes its doors

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WeaveWorks announced that it is closing. Harness offers their customers a good alternative.

Harnessing a New Future: A Safe Haven for Weaveworks Customers

The recent news of Weaveworks, a pioneer in the GitOps space, closing its doors marks a somber moment in the tech community. As the largest commercial backer of the CNCF Flux project, Weaveworks not only contributed significantly to the cloud-native ecosystem but also provided a robust set of tools enhancing Flux's capabilities.

For many of Weaveworks' customers, this period is fraught with uncertainty. The quest for a seamless transition and a reliable platform to continue their cloud-native journey is more pressing than ever. At Harness, extend our hand, not just as an alternative but as a partner ready to navigate the future with you.

Continuous Delivery & GitOps: A Seamless Transition with Harness

Harness recognizes the importance of Flux within the DevOps community and the void left by Weaveworks' departure. Our Continuous Delivery and GitOps module natively supports Flux, ensuring that your transition is not only smooth but familiar. Unlike other platforms that may require a complete overhaul of your DevOps stack, Harness allows you to adopt continuous delivery as a discrete module. This flexibility means that integrating with your existing workflows is straightforward, minimizing disruption and maximizing efficiency.

Beyond Continuous Delivery: A Comprehensive DevOps Solution

For organizations looking to broaden their DevOps capabilities, Harness offers a comprehensive platform that extends beyond continuous delivery. Our solution encompasses the entirety of the DevOps lifecycle, ensuring that your infrastructure, deployment, and monitoring needs are met comprehensively. This all-in-one approach is designed to grow with you, providing the tools and flexibility needed to scale your operations effectively.

Infrastructure as Code Management: Embracing GitOps

Recognizing the critical role of infrastructure in your DevOps practices, Harness boasts an exceptional Infrastructure as Code Management capability. This feature supports GitOps gestures, such as Pull Request pipelines, aligning with the methodologies you've come to rely on. Our platform ensures that your infrastructure management is as dynamic and scalable as your application development.

A Future-Proof Foundation: Supporting ArgoCD alongside Flux

While Flux is expected to continue thriving under the CNCF's stewardship, concerns about its long-term viability are natural. In response, Harness also fully supports ArgoCD, offering an alternative that ensures there's no lock-in. This dual support provides peace of mind, knowing that your continuous delivery and GitOps practices have a secure and stable foundation, regardless of future developments.


Forward Together

The closure of Weaveworks is undoubtedly a challenging moment for its customers and the wider cloud-native community. However, it also presents an opportunity to build on the strong foundation laid by Weaveworks and continue pushing the boundaries of cloud-native technologies.

At Harness, we understand the apprehension that comes with change. We're committed to providing a path forward that respects the technologies you trust while offering the support and innovation needed to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. Our team is here to guide you through this transition, ensuring that your journey toward cloud-native excellence is not only continued but elevated.

As we look to the future, let's embrace the opportunities for growth and innovation that change brings. Together, we can harness the full potential of your cloud-native journey.

To learn more, contact us for a conversation or sign-up to get started for free.

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