December 8, 2022

Introducing Harness CI/CD Plugin for Backstage

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Harness introduces a CI/CD plugin for Backstage, enabling developers to integrate pipeline executions directly into their developer portal. This open-source plugin improves visibility and control over deployment processes, supporting seamless integration and enhanced productivity.

Today, we are launching the Harness CI/CD plugin for Backstage. The plugin is open source and is one of many more plugins to follow that will integrate Harness with Backstage.

Backstage is an open platform for building developer portals. Powered by a centralized software catalog, Backstage restores order to infrastructure and enables product teams to ship high-quality code quickly — without compromising autonomy. Some of the Backstage use cases include:

  • Building internal developer portals
  • Developer self-service hub for all kinds of automation workflows
  • Selection and creation of new software components based on the company’s best practices
  • Focus on the services they own and see the relevant information like builds, deployments, alerts, and docs all in one place

With the Harness Open Source plugins for Backstage, developers can see the executions of Harness pipelines inside Backstage. In addition, developers can check the latest executions inside Backstage alongside their service’s homepage in the software catalog.

The Backstage user interface

The first version of the CI/CD plugin allows you to connect your service on Backstage with a Harness project. The plugin shows the recent executions of the pipelines inside the project. For each execution, you can see the status, details such as commit and time. You can also re-run pipelines in case the execution fails. There is also a way to search across the pipelines using the Filter on top right. If your project has a large number of pipelines, you can specify which pipelines to use for showing the executions on Backstage. You can find more configuration options in the installation instructions on the plugin repository.

This is only the beginning. We will keep shipping more plugins to integrate The Harness Platform with Backstage for use cases associated with feature flagging, managing cloud costs, and chaos engineering. We are also launching the project under Apache 2.0 license, so the open-source community is welcome to contribute at any time. We believe contributions are not only done by committing code, but also by suggesting features and giving honest feedback on how we can improve. All feedback is welcome!

If you use Harness and Backstage, try out our CI/CD plugin now. Head over to the GitHub Repository.

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