Visualize DevOps Data

Harness dashboards provide visibility into your continuous delivery performance. Harness CD meticulously tracks applications across environments. Use Harness deployment dashboards to understand what is where as well as the performance of your continuous delivery efforts.

Unified Deployment Dashboards

Unified Deployment Dashboards give a consolidated view of deployments


Understand how many successful and failed deployments have happened for a project.


Harness visualizes deployment frequency and indicates how much counts are increasing or decreasing.

Failure Rate

Identify which services experience deployment failures most often to prioritize improvements and understand risk.

Execution Frequency

Track deployment frequency on a daily basis.

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Service Dashboard

Drill down into a service’s dashboard to see what version is deployed in each environment
when it was last updated in those environments and a history of recent deployments of the service.

Environment Dashboard

Test and production environments typically contain many services. Drill down into an environment dashboard to see what services are deployed and when they were last updated

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Custom Dashboards

Tailor dashboards to your organization’s needs leveraging Looker technology. Custom dashboards define tiles with their own queries and visualizations. Slice and dice data across teams or projects to deliver the understanding that you need. 

Send reports when it matters
Send dashboards to interested parties on a schedule or based on a conditional alert. If a report is supporting a status meeting or retrospective, schedule it to be sent to the team before the meeting so they don’t have to come looking for it. For those reports that are most interesting when things are starting to go wrong, eliminate the noise by setting an alert to fire out a report only when conditions are met.

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DORA Dashboards

Harness CD provides DORA metrics out of the box. 

DORA Dashboards provides the following: 

  • Deployments Frequency: Frequency of deployments to production. Shipping more often indicates smaller batch sizes which reduces risk and overhead.
  • Lead time to Production: Average time for a code commit to reach production. Faster indicates more automated testing and less friction.
  • Mean time to restore(MTTR): Time to revert a deployment. Faster reversions reduce the impact of a problem, reducing risk and enabling more frequent delivery.
  • Change Failure Rate: Frequency with which a deployment failed and needed to be reverted. Lower failure is better. 
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