Cloud costs
October 31, 2023
min read

Why Make Dashboards When AIDA™ Can Do It For You?


Harness Custom Dashboards – Then and Now

How We Used to Do Dashboards

Harness Custom Dashboards has long been an industry differentiator. We provide unmatched transparency and granularity into your SDLC data. While a wealth of data is undoubtedly exposed, there exists a learning curve for users that lack business intelligence experience. For executives who want answers fast, a simple data question quickly transforms into a daunting quest into the unknown seas of dimensions, measures, table calculations, etc., just to figure out what our total AWS costs were month-over-month, year-to-date. 

That’s where AIDA™ comes in.

As we announced during unscripted 2023, AIDA will be integrated into our Custom Dashboards service. We are calling this Dashboard Intelligence by AIDA. AIDA allows any Harness user to quickly create dashboards using only a chat prompt–one widget at a time.

How AIDA Generates Dashboards for You

For this post, we will walk through a CI/CD dashboard example. In this CI/CD dashboard, we have some beautiful widgets centered around CD, but there are no CI widgets. Let’s use AIDA to bring in some complimentary CI data.

When one edits/creates a new dashboard, an option to build with AIDA will appear in the top-right of the screen:

For this CI section of the dashboard, we have received specific requirements: Our stakeholders want to see the success rate for our CI builds, total builds by trigger type and a spreadsheet providing supporting details for our total builds. For someone new to the BI experience, this could be daunting. With AIDA, we can just ask for this–in English. Let’s start by getting the success rate for our CI builds:

In a matter of seconds, we have a widget at the foot of the current dashboard showcasing our CI build success rate:

While this is good, it isn’t as interesting as a bar chart. Let’s use AIDA to build a bar chart showing our total builds by trigger type:

As expected, we have a beautiful bar chart at the foot of our dashboard–created in seconds:

While bar charts, scatterplots and line graphs can be exciting, they don’t always provide a lot of underlying detail. Let’s use AIDA to surface more granular detail under our CI builds:

AIDA, as expected, generated a spreadsheet giving additional detail underlying our total builds:

With just three prompts, we were able to create three informative widgets. Thanks, AIDA.

Say Goodbye to Manual Dashboard Creation

While there will still be a place for hands-on development for BI visualizations, most of the dashboarding toil will be eliminated using AIDA as a co-pilot in your dashboard creation journey. No longer does one have to endure a learning curve to learn a new business intelligence software. Now any stakeholder can simply ask AIDA™ what is going on with their data, and get answers–fast.

Interested in harnessing the power of AI across the SDLC?

Sign up for an AIDA demo today and explore the capabilities of Harness AIDA in a dynamic software delivery landscape. 

If you are interested in learning more about how we are infusing AI capabilities across the SDLC, check out other blogs in our AI Feature Focus series to learn more! 

Our Plan to Infuse AI Across the SDLC

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