Cloud costs
May 9, 2022
min read

Introducing the New Drone CI Plugin Index


Today, we are excited to launch the newly redesigned Drone CI plugin index at!

The plugin index lists both official plugins (developed by Harness) and community supported plugins submitted to the drone-plugin-index GitHub repository. With this redesign, all plugins can be easily filtered by category and intended usage, making it easier to find the right plugin for your pipeline step(s). Of course, plugins are not limited to Drone CI, they can also be used in Harness CI! With the redesign, you will now see example YAML syntax for both Drone CI and Harness CI.

Drone CI plugins are Docker containers that perform predefined tasks and are configured as steps in your pipeline. By abstracting away unnecessary complexity, they can significantly decrease the amount of duplication and scripting required to execute your CI pipelines. If you can build a Docker image, you can build a Drone CI plugin! 

Plugin tutorials are provided for both Go and Bash. You can also watch this presentation on Building Your First Drone Plugin, given at a recent Harness & Drone User Group meetup, or read our recent blog post, How To Write Your First Plugin For CI.

For more information on using plugins with Harness CI, see Run a Drone Plugin in CI.

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